Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Kobayashi Issa Haiku

Kobayashi Issa  

“Summer night--
even the stars
are whispering to each other.”
Kobayashi Issa
tags: poetry

“What a strange thing!
to be alive
beneath cherry blossoms.”
Kobayashi Issa, Poems
I'm here-
the snow falling.”
Kobayashi Issa
tags: haiku, nature, poetry

“Never forget:
we walk on hell,
gazing at flowers.”
Kobayashi Issa
“O snail
Climb Mount Fuji
But slowly, slowly!”
Kobayashi Issa

“In the cherry blossom's shade
there's no such thing
as a stranger.”
Kobayashi Issa

“Where there are humans,
You'll find flies,
And Buddhas.”
Kobayashi Issa

tags: buddhism, flies, zen

“Don't weep, insects --
Lovers, stars themselves,
Must part.”
Kobayashi Issa

“Even in warmest
how cold my shadow”
Kobayashi Issa

“In this world
we walk on the roof of hell
gazing at flowers”
Kobayashi Issa

“The world of dew
is the world of dew.
And yet, and yet--”
Kobayashi Issa, The Dumpling Field: Haiku Of Issa

“before the gate --
my walking stick's made a river
of melting snow”
Kobayashi Issa

tags: haiku, poetry

“All the time I pray to Buddha
I keep on
killing mosquitoes.”
Kobayashi Issa

“Don't kill!...
The fly is asking you
To save his life
By rubbing his hands together”
Kobayashi Issa

in the dragonfly's eye --
Kobayashi Issa

“In the cherry blosson's shade there's no such thing as a stranger.”
Kobayashi Issa

“hey sparrows
no pissing on my old
winter quilt!”
Kobayashi Issa

Kobayashi Issa

Kobayashi Issa


June 15, 1763 in Shinano-machi, Shinano Province (present-day Nagano Prefecture), Japan

died January 05, 1828

genre Poetry

 Kobayashi Issa was a Japanese poet known for his haiku poems and journals. He is regarded as one of the four haiku masters in Japan, along with Bashō, Buson and Shiki. Reflecting the popularity and interest in Issa as man and poet, Japanese books on Issa outnumber those on Buson, and almost equal those on Bashō.

“Summer night--
even the stars
are whispering to each other.”
Kobayashi Issa

“What a strange thing!
to be alive
beneath cherry blossoms.”
Kobayashi Issa, Poems 

I'm here-
the snow falling.”
Kobayashi Issa



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