Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Zig Ziglar - How to achieve real success in life.

1. Stop with the impractical dreaming and start with the realistic goal-making.

Set realistic 's.m.a.r.t.' goals and make detailed ACTION plans to achieve them 

2. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you can do anything.

Believing in yourself and having the confidence to go after what you want:
“Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking the tartar sauce with you.”
Set goals that you think you can achieve - conceive, believe. achieve.

3. Give generously through encouragement.

While you may experience a boost in confidence as others encourage you to succeed, don’t forget to return the favor.
As a motivational speaker, Ziglar believes in encouraging others and has admitted that he can’t talk to someone without offering any encouragement to them.
 “Encouragement is the fuel on which hope thrives.”  

4. Treat life like it’s a balancing act.

True success comes from living a balanced life.  

5. Stop worrying so much!

Worry never helps in any situation and can actually work against what you’re trying to achieve.

6. Remember that home is where the heart is.

Remember that balance is really the major key to overall success and happiness.

7. Never stop learning.

Be willing to commit to lifelong learning.

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