Monday, November 19, 2012

MET Project : How can effective teaching be identified and developed?

 This is an interesting study of teaching funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation....

The goal of the MET project is to identify great teaching and empower teachers to help students succeed. 

The project's findings will help address a critical and widespread need for information felt by teachers and school districts across the country.


How can effective teaching be
identified and developed?

The Measures of Effective Teaching
project aims to find out.

We know that great teaching matters more than anything else within a school. More than class size. More than school funding. More than technology.

Many say "you know it when you see it." But what does great teaching actually look like?

Two-thirds of American teachers feel that current evaluations don't accurately capture the full picture of what they do in the classroom.

And without meaningful feedback, improving as a teacher can be like learning to play the piano by yourself or learning to play basketball without a coach: It's very tough to get better and to become great without knowing what you're doing right.

The Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project is designed to find out the best way to give teachers the information and support they want. 

The project has brought together 3,000 teacher volunteers in six different school districts with dozens of education experts and researchers.

 MET's goal is to find out how evaluation methods can best be used to tell teachers more about the skills that make them most effective and to help districts identify great teaching.

The MET project is already providing practical insights and tools that benefit teachers and students in classrooms today.

These insights are being shared widely with the hope that they can offer support for school districts that are creating and designing their own evaluation systems.

Every teacher knows that preparing students for success takes passion, dedication and skill.

The MET project's goal is to attempt to break down and measure those qualities so that other teachers can learn from those who do it best.


The MET project is a partnership between 3,000 teacher volunteers and dozens of independent research teams. The project aims to help teachers and schools understand what great teaching looks like.

Launched in 2009, the study will identify multiple measures and tools that – taken together – can provide an accurate and reliable picture of teaching effectiveness.

By understanding what great teachers do and by improving the ways teachers gain insight into their practice, we can help more teachers achieve success for their students.

Research shows that a teachers' contribution matters more than anything else within a school.

More than class size. More than school funding. More than technology. For decades, most initiatives to improve public education have focused on improving poor performing schools.

But studies show that there are bigger differences in teaching quality within schools than there are between schools.

This means that in the same school, a child taught by a less effective teacher can receive an education of vastly different quality than a student just down the hall who is taught by a more effective teacher.

And the way evaluations are currently conducted don't provide the teacher who is struggling with a roadmap to improve.

Because teaching is complex, no single measure can capture the complete picture of a teacher's impact; yet many evaluation systems use tools that provide teachers with very limited, occasional feedback.

Multiple measures are needed to help school leaders understand how teaching contributes to student success, because as teachers know, there are no silver bullets in the classroom.

Armed with this information, teachers and school leaders can create better professional development programs that promote proven techniques and practices that help students learn, and can make better-informed hiring and tenure decisions.

The project is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of its efforts to give teachers the tools they need to be successful and to improve student achievement in public schools across the United States.

MET Project :: Welcome

 Link: http://www.metproject.org/

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